My Old Car

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Wind the window down would ya

Maybe its never happened to you , but "the grand limousine", as jimmy calls it, ..has electric windows , and they don't work. ( Jimmy, young boy not yet trained in the art of looking deeper into rusty metal mysteries thinks that electric windows is what makes this car great - a luxury car it certainly is - a luxury to own and a luxury to live with ) ; for 6 mths now those windows hardly work - they don't work most of the time so they stay up ( you try explaining to the police officer who booked us a few months ago for $80 you for "leaving your car with the one window down" - he called it wrong to "create temptation for thieves, there are lots of them around here , i know , and some of them wear uniforms !) - i am not joking ; what is the world coming to!).
So we drive down the street on a hot day with the windows UP , politely reminding each other of just how uncomfortable we feel - beads of sweat on all parts of our bodies , that desperate feeling warning us all about the need for a high speed escape from this intolerable hot box----- when we eventually stop.
"Can't you find a park quicker" ,I am thinking, just as everyone, i expect, is about to say same .
Yesterday, it was not only hot, but nearest and dearest is rarely also in the old girl sharing a ride to pick up "her car" from the service station .

It's hot and we only have a few minutes to finish chrissy shopping . We manage to do at least one "shopping" visit together because we have agreed on the general nature of what it is , if not which type and wonderful discount merchant to please - it seems they all smile too much at christams time anyway eh ! By the time we got to park we weren't smiling--- the car was boiling.
While i managed to force the window down a bit - you pull through the door face panel ( yes that's off at the moment too , threatening to rip holes in your pants as you get in or out) the bottom edge of the window caught the piece of black baler twine i had been using to open the door from the outside (its a black ball so you can't tell my car is a mess unless you are up close - besides noone can get into my car except me ( ask anyone --its the cheapest and best form of burglary protection )

Trouble was, the window jammmed the wire loop so i couldn't open the door . Barbybabe, now standing by the car, sentry like ,is about to draw even more attention to my predicament than i wanted.. " you go " i said hoping she would at least cross the road while i bounced over the gearstick in that small luxury car they call a 360GLT.
I managed to lever myself over that gearstick and escape via the passenger side door - I escaped, until next time .