My Old Car

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The gift

Now to the wonderful surprise that was is the convertible . Hilter may have meant it for revenge but by the grace of God He gave me another one that wasn't rusty .-As i said to one of the richest men in my home town ( who like most says " where did you get that beauty " )
I can only describe it as a gift ,I said to him , cause thats how i got it . Even more amazing than all the offers I get to buy it over summer , the joy it gives the young and the romantic , the sense of freshness and being alive that it gives to its passengers this testimony of grace .
What a wonderful thing it is to see one very tangible enjoyable thing you have and be reminded that absolutey everything you have is a gift . What a wonderful freedom it gives you , grieving and grumbling, as we do, over things taken from us or never got; to realise its all grace .
When we catch ourselves in a momet of mental illness accumulating like those around us, mere stuff ; as if we can take it with us - or as if it adds anything at all to our sense of satisfaction .
A little vision into the bigger mysteries of life "Blessed are the poor ( who know they are poor ) for theirs is the kingdom..."
And isn't it wonderful


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