My Old Car

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who would ever have electric windows?

Note the gear wear on the window winder -
Still can't afford a new door handle . Even though its the main door the replacement handle would be over $200. The one above works fine and you don't feel like your stressing the metal like you can do on the planned obsolence ones ! In the country we can make a piece of wire do just about anything .Not exactly fashion cool but no one notices unless you cross the street to look - the car has silver mags

As for the electric window which became jammed when these broken handles fell back into the door frame -those electric windows are a pain in both winter and summer .

The broken door handle locked/prevented the window going up the last inch or so .Took me a while to realise it wasn't the tired old motor that was giving up near the top of the window frame .
Like women,some say, once you've got electric windows  you can't live with em and when they don't work you can't live without them . Even relatively new cars find they get slow and unreliable  and no amount of lubricant will help revive their climb to the top .
Like trailer lights , the onset of the wet increases the power losses due to dirt liberated voltage : the motors  lose power .
Wet winters have finally returned,  and even though the final gap when I parked was only a few inches,  the southerly at the school meant I had to stuff a giant plastic bag in the gap to keep the seat from getting totally wet within seconds.
On the way home,  the gap meant fresh air, ( must fix the exhaust)  but I made the mistake of pressing the switch the wrong way to try and close it again ( 14volts during running time sometimes seems to inspire the motor ) . The window went down enough to make driving in the heavy rain impossible,  so I had to stop and swap the switches on the dash to get the dsah thing up again ( the contacts inside the switches works sometimes and not others.) Hope you had a better day - the rain has been great otherwise.

We noticed during a highway collection that electric window winders don't work on even many modern cars. Poeple would open the door and pass money through the gap ( no joke) . Electric windows - just another example of planned obsolescence with the grand frustration to boot ?

The top gear trio need new top gear cars because they can't fix em . We have old top gear cars that well, deserve a little attention .



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